The solenoid is a component that is easy to find because it is located on the outside of the motorbike. Even though it has small dimensions, However, the tube-like shape makes it easier for drivers to see it.

The function of this component is quite important in the motor starter. Reporting from Otosia, The following is the function of the Solenoid on the motor starter.

Become an Electromagnetic Switch

Fungsi pertama dari komponen ini adalah untuk saklar elektromagnetik. Cara kerja dengan menggunakan medan magnet agar dapat terhubung pada kontak terminal listrik. Di dalam motor starter, solenoid ini memiliki peran sebagai perantara terminal C dengan terminal 30.

To support its performance, This component requires a high voltage electric current so that the armature can rotate the engine through the ring gear and flywheel.

So that performance can run optimally, components that require strong contact to support electrical loads and heat when large voltages move from one point to another. Thus, Solenoids are really needed in starter motors because their performance is like a relay which is always strong enough to withstand the flow of high voltage electric current.

Pull the plunger so that the pinion gear connects to the ring gear

Not only that, besides having an electromagnet as a switch, Another function of the solenoid on the starter motor is to pull the plunger in the middle of the solenoid so that it can push the pinion gear so that it pulls with the ring gear..

If seen with the naked eye, The solenoid body is equipped with two coils which have the names Pull In Coil and Hold In Coil in them. Pull In Coil to pull the plunger towards the solenoid accompanied by pressing the return spring, while the Hold In Coil functions to hold the plunger so that it remains in the retracted position.

To install the Hold In Coil, you must use a combination to prevent the return spring from pushing the plunger out again. When the plunger is pushed out, the pinion gear will return to the starter motor. When Otolovers want to keep the pinion gear connected to the ring gear, they have to activate the Hold in coil so that it continues to hold the plunger.

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