Recently, extreme rainfall has been occurring in several regions of Indonesia and almost all of Indonesia, which of course is very dangerous for motorists' safety. Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) DKI Jakarta has issued preparedness guidelines for facing extreme weather which is predicted to peak this February. Because the unfriendly weather will certainly cause damage to vital vehicle components due to hitting holes covered in standing water. This not only affects vehicle performance but will also result in expensive repair costs.

Menurut National Sales Manager PCR (Passenger Car Radial) Hankook Tire Apriyanto Yuwono, as a vehicle supporting component, Tires need special attention in the rainy season. Choosing the right tires is the most important factor for traversing various road contours such as asphalt, land, to the rocks. "Besides hydroplaning, there are other risks to be aware of. Especially during strong wind conditions, The road surface is smoother and covered with water and even mud. Vehicle tires need to be supported with optimal durability so they are able to break up puddles of water, works stably when it rains, and provides driving comfort,said Apriyanto.

There are four risks that drivers must anticipate when driving according to Hankook Tire. The first is an object hidden in the tire. When crossing a puddle, It is difficult for drivers to avoid hidden objects that are sharp or quite hard. For example, objects such as nails stuck in wood, boulders, or sharp cement and broken bottles can risk penetrating the tire. “Usually hitting the tread of the tire can cause tears on the side of the tire (sidewall). If there is significant damage or tears, it is recommended that the tire be replaced immediately,added Apriyanto.

Second, casing break up damage (Shock CBU) It also has the potential to occur during rain and flooding due to tires hitting damaged roads and potholes. Therefore, It is important for drivers to maintain car speed and maintain a safe distance between vehicles. Lumpy tire walls are a sign of tire damage due to crossing damaged and potholed roads.

Third, Ozone cracks are cracks in tires caused by being submerged in water or mud, tires are exposed to sunlight continuously without being used for driving. Sunlight is a producer of O3 gas (Ozone). This often happens when the car is stored in an open area so it is exposed to the sun. Therefore, It is important to always wash your vehicle and park it in a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Fourth is skidding or slipping due to less than optimal traction control when changing lanes or making sudden maneuvers. Apart from that, you can be careful by reducing driving speed, The driver needs to step on and release the brake carefully to prevent the wheels from locking and ensure that the tire air pressure is as required.

The ideal air pressure in tires for passenger vehicles or MPVs and LCGCs, namely 30-33 psi. If the pressure is too high it will cause a hard tire texture due to the air being pressed against each other, and the tires lose their ability to absorb vibrations. So are, If the tire pressure is less than ideal requirements, the traction on the tire tread will not function optimally in breaking up puddles of water and threaten the safety of the driver..

“Apart from choosing tires that support maximum driving experience, We hope that people can be more selective in investing in quality tires, especially to assist mobility in extreme weather. So that preparedness for the rainy season and the potential for flooding can be balanced with vehicle components that meet the need for safe and comfortable driving,” tutup President Director PT Hankook Tire Sales Indonesia Yoonsoo Shin.

As a solution to this condition, Hankook carries Kinergy Eco2 and Hankook Optimo tires which are intended for modern small cars, compact, and medium-sized such as MPV and LCGC. These two tire series can optimize driving comfort due to lower noise levels and fuel economy without reducing excellent performance in wet or dry conditions..

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