For those of you who like the automotive world, You must be familiar with timing belts. This is an important component in a car engine. This component must always be ensured to be in good condition so that the car's performance can be optimal.
For those of you who don't know, The timing belt is one of the main and important components in a vehicle engine. It is located in the engine room which has a belt-like shape (belt) serrated made of rubber.
Timing belt or often also called timing chain This has a very crucial function so it must be cared for properly. If this component is damaged, then it could have fatal consequences including the risk that the car could die completely.
As the name suggests, The main function of the timing belt is as a timer which is useful for regulating the working time of the car engine. Nah, apart from its main function, There are many other important functions of this timing belt component, among others:
Camshaft Drive
The first function of the timing belt is to drive camshaft or better known by the name noken as. When the car engine is turned on, camshaft will rotate in a regular circular motion so that it is useful for opening and closing the valve.
Opening and Closing Machine Valves Automatically
The next function of the timing belt component is as a tool to open and close the engine valves automatically. This is because the timing belt is connected directly to the intake and exhaust valves on the camshaft. Having a timing belt will make it easier camshaft to move with normal time which can then move the valve normally and constantly.
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