The front wheels of a car that are working normally should not make unusual rubbing sounds. This problem should be repaired immediately because it can cause other damage that you won't even be aware of. Without further ado, Know the cause of this problem to understand better.
Damaged or Worn Shockbreaker Support Rubber
The shockbreaker rubber support is an important part of this component. As it is known, Shockbreakers are useful for supporting the performance of the car's undercarriage when passing various road contours. The rubber support itself is located right above the shockbreaker and is directly connected to the car body.
Shockbreaker support rubber that is damaged or worn can cause a rubbing sound. It's not even just the sound of friction, but there are also other impact sounds when the car passes over uneven roads.
Bushing Lower Arm Rusak
The lower arm bushing is useful as a barrier to vibrations received from the tires and car engine. The shape of this component resembles a bottle with iron pipes at the top and bottom. The front of the car itself has 4 buah bushing.
Damage to the lower arm bushing can be indicated by a rubbing sound. The reason is because the coating on this component has been damaged and lost. Finally, the lower arm bushing directly rubs against other components.
Damaged Shock Absorber
The shock absorber can be damaged as a result of liquid leakage on the inside. Kebocoran ini membuat kinerja shock absorber untuk meredam guncangan berlebihan menjadi tidak maksimal sama sekali.
The piston in the shock absorber can hit the bottom of the tube and rub against the walls too. This condition ultimately causes a rubbing sound on the front wheels of the car.
Ball Joint Rusak
The ball joint functions to support the car's wheels to turn because it is shaped like a hinge that is capable of rotating until 360 degrees. If this component is damaged, then the sound of friction on the front wheels of the car can appear, especially when the driver turns the steering wheel. Even more serious damage such as the steering wheel being more difficult to control can also appear.
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