Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2021 is an acceleration and competition program that aims to find and develop young social entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas and creative solutions to educational problems (education), work (employment) and environment (environment). Program ini merupakan program ke-2 setelah tahun lalu Hyundai sukses menyelenggarakan Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2020.

Hyundai also collaborates with the Impact Alliance, To have grown, Institutional, and Indonesia Creative City Network to organize the Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2021. This program is a form of Hyundai's commitment to the development of social enterprises in Indonesia. Carrying the slogan "The Better, The Bigger Impact”, Hyundai Motor Group mendorong peningkatan kemampuan dan pengetahuan wirausahawan sosial muda untuk memberikan dampak yang lebih besar bagi masyarakat Indonesia melalui bisnis yang mereka jalankan.

Lee Kang Hyun, Vice President Hyundai Motor Asia-Pacific Headquarters, disclose, “Inisiatif ini merupakan komitmen kami guna mendukung program startup bagi wirausahawan lokal Indonesia. "Hopefully the Hyundai Start-Up Challenge program can provide positive contributions and innovations that have a positive impact on various aspects of Indonesian people's lives."

Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2021 will choose 15 tim sebagai finalis di mana masing-masing tim akan mendapatkan hibah sebesar USD 6.500 per tim untuk mengembangkan usaha selama program berlangsung. All finalist teams will also receive interactive business classes along with professional mentors during the acceleration phase.

Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2021 will close with a Demo day and Awarding Ceremony in October 2021 where 3 The team will be selected as the winner and will be entitled to a total prize of USD 45.500 as well as the opportunity to pitch a business in South Korea.

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Start-Up Challenge winners are selected based on their commitment to participate throughout the program and ability to create a real, actionable business plan. So that the businesses they own can create a more significant impact than they have on society, where this includes education about the environment and employment.

Registration for Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2021 opened from date 19 April to 21 Mei 2021 via the official page by filling in the short registration form. Complete information about Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2021 can be obtained by contacting the official contact person, namely via email at, or via whatsapp number at +6289615698700.

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