Actress Kia Poetri was known as a motorbike freestyler before she entered the world of acting. His charming face on the small screen became known after appearing in several films and television films. Because of Kia's tomboyish character too, made him involved in the film Kampung Zombie, which was released in theaters in mid-March 2015 where Kia plays Tia.

During this pandemic, Kia Poetri was busy taking care of her children and playing motorbikes while still following health protocols. Not only that, Kia Poetri is also busy and enthusiastic about making vlogs on her YouTube channel which discusses the world of motorbikes.

There are risks for motorbike lovers when touring, for example falling from a motorbike, accidents while touring or other accidents. This was also felt by the actors in the film Garuda Superhero, Kia Poetri belum berapa lama mengalami sebuah kecelakan saat ia dan teman – temannya sedang dalam perjalanan touring.

“23 hari lalu diajak touring sama Eddi Brokoli, Imam Darto, Bisma Smash and others to Batu Karas. Almost got the date wrong. Tapi Allah bangunin tiba – tiba. Just keep on creating content, Eeh clock memory 3 pagi tiba – tiba korup. The clothes for leaving also haven't arrived even though the appointment time is 5 morning. Just arrived at the appointment place. Uh, my headset was thrown in the toilet and lost,”ujar Kia.

“Tapi aku tetap nekad jalan (padahal kayak udah di ingetin berkali – kali sama Allah). The result is tragedy on the road, I was hit by someone from the opposite direction. My legs were numb at that time, but still want to go. I feel really sick but I can't walk. Finally, when we arrived in Ciwidey, we had to go back to Bandung to check first. It turned out it was broken 4 bones and have to rest and not play motorbikes for long 3 moon. The excitement is still there, dari awal tabrakan sampai kata dokter harus operasi tuh aku masih aja ketawa – ketawa.”ucapnya.

An accident happened to him, for Kia it was the greatest experience he had ever had and thankfully he learned many lessons. As a motorbike lover, Kia Poetri pasti akan touring bersama teman – teman pencinta motor bahkan sebelum pandemi melanda ia akan setiap hari bermotor ria bahkan ke lokasi syuting bukan membawa mobil tapi motor sebagai kendaraannya.

“Kalau dulu tiap hari pasti motoran ke lokasi shooting atau mudik Jakarta – Bandung. But after having children, I can motorbike at most 3x a week, If the child is with his father, he will immediately enjoy touring while creating content, balik kerumah full deh buat anak.” tambah Kia.

Talking about motorbike clubs, Currently Kia Poetri is a member of MBI (Big Indonesian motorbike) and Friend MEDDOC (medical doctors), “Aku tergabung di MBI sama Friendzone MEDDOC. Di club MBI sendiri memang hanya beberapa Ladies Biker Nya dan kita Ladies Biker semua jaga sikap ga ada tuh yang aneh – aneh (Moved). We all respect and support each other. So, Friend MEDDOC, because I'm not a doctor but I'm a member of MEDDOC so it's called Friends of MEDDOC. And I always remember it every time I vlog, “Cewek Motor Ga Selalu Kotor” Tutup Kia..

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