As a major automotive player in Indonesia, Daihatsu wants to be a friend to the Indonesian people by producing quality products and services. Daihatsu juga aktif dalam melakukan berbagai kegiatan CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) with 4 pilarnya masing-masing, yaitu pilar Pintar, Sehat, Sejahtera, dan Hijau bersama Daihatsu.

Mengambil momentum salah satu pameran otomotif terbesar, yaitu di GIIAS (Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show) 2021, Daihatsu menyatakan komitmen dan keseriusannya dalam mendukung olahraga bulutangkis di Indonesia, yang juga sejalan dengan salah satu pilar CSR Daihatsu, yakni pilar Sehat Bersama Daihatsu.

Turnamen bulutangkis Daihatsu Indonesia Masters 2021 kali ini mengalami peningkatan level menjadi BWF World Tour Super 750, dari yang sebelumnya BWF World Tour Super 500. Turnamen ini menyediakan hadiah total 600 ribu dollar AS atau setara hampir Rp 8,5 billion. Mengingat pandemi Covid-19 belum berakhir, turnamen ini akan berlangsung dalam sistem bubble (gelembung) dan tanpa dihadiri penonton.

There are several world-class badminton players who will compete in the Daihatsu Indonesia Masters tournament 2021 This, such as Greysia Polii and Apriyani, Marcus and Kevin, Praven and Melati, Anthony Ginting, as well as other top players from abroad.

As is known, globally, Daihatsu consistently provides support for the sport of badminton in Indonesia 3 countries and their respective activities, such as in Japan through the Daihatsu Yonex Japan Open, Japan PARA-Badminton International; in Indonesia through Daihatsu Indonesia Masters, Daihatsu Astec Open, and Daihatsu Candra Wijaya International Badminton Center, and in Malaysia Perodua Malaysia Masters.

"We thank BWF (Badminton World Federation), PBSI (All Indonesian Badminton Association), the whole society, as well as the stakeholders for their great commitment in carrying out this tournament. We hope that this tournament can provide the best success to the players Daihatsu Indonesia Masters 2021," said Eko Priyanto, Promotion Department Head PT Astra Daihatsu Motor.

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