During the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) Emergency in Java and Bali at this time, Gojek remains at the forefront in meeting people's daily needs, by prioritizing health protocols and complying with operational regulations set by the Government.

Raditya Wibowo as Chief Transport Officer of Gojek said, “Since the start of the pandemic, We continue to deploy various innovations and initiatives oriented towards safety and comfort so that we can continue to be a mainstay of society, good for customers who are forced to travel, as well as for driver partners who must continue to earn a living for their families.

Gojek's readiness during the implementation of Emergency PPKM includes the continuation of two main focuses, namely Gojek's support for the acceleration of the Government's vaccination program, as well as the increasingly stringent implementation of #ExtraProtection on Gojek services.

Gojek continues to intensively collaborate actively with Halodoc, Central government, Regional Government and various related authorities in accelerating the vaccination process for partners in the Gojek ecosystem which has so far reached hundreds of thousands of driver partners and business partners in 36 cities/regencies throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile for customers, Gojek provides discounts for GoRide and GoCar trips, to and from the vaccination location using the promo code #ANTERINVACCIN. This discount with a total value of IDR 30,000 is temporarily valid in the Jabodetabek area, Surabaya, Malang, Bali and will gradually follow in other big cities. Details regarding hundreds of vaccination locations can be seen at http://www.go-jek.com/blog/gojek/promo-gocar/.

"We hope that this discounted vaccination travel price can make access easier for people who want to be vaccinated, and can further help accelerate the Indonesian Government's vaccination target. We also provide the same support in other Gojek operational countries such as Singapore and Vietnam,said Raditya.

#Extra Protection or various health protocols that are tightened on Gojek services, both the minimum requirements required by the Government and through various initiatives and innovations Gojek has implemented since the beginning of the pandemic, routinely evaluated to maintain the safety and comfort of both customers and driver partners. The health protocols include::

  • Health Protocol Checklist and Mask Verification Selfie features in the driver partner application.
  • NySafe Zone Operation (waiting point or GoRide and GoCar Instant ordering which is equipped with strict health protocols) at dozens of points in strategic locations.
  • Use of protective dividers in GoCar and GoRide fleets.
  • Installation air purifier in thousands of GoCar fleets in Jabodetabek.
  • Driver partner vaccination status feature in the latest version of the Gojek application.

Read too : https://otodiva.com/2021/06/08/kemenkes-apresiasi-bluebird/

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