If you are new to buying a car or haven't made one in years, it can be difficult to know where to start. How do you find a car that suits your needs in the years to come? Nah, You just need a little research and planning.

After knowing the type of car you want,Only then can you decide whether you want to buy a new car, rent a new car, or buy a used car. Following are the steps that Otodiva.com has quoted from Edmunts to find which car is suitable for you.

  1. Look at your needs first

Maybe the car you want to buy should be able to answer all these questions:

  • How many passengers do you want to carry?
  • Will you use a child seat?
  • How big is the garage in your house?
  • Determine the budget

The way to determine the right budget is to calculate how much you earn each month. The general rule is that your new car's monthly payments should not exceed 15 percent of your monthly salary. Used cars will be cheaper, but the same rules must be applied. If you want to rent, aim for a monthly payment of less than 10 percent of your salary.

  • Decide whether you will buy or lease a car

Leasing requires little or no down payment and offers lower monthly payments. But when the rental period ends, You don't have a car and have to go shopping again. On the other hand, buying a car is more expensive initially, and the monthly payment is higher.

  • Compare with other cars

If you have chosen which car you want to buy, Anda tetap perlu melihat kendaraan lain yang sebanding untuk memantapkan pilihan Anda.

  • Biaya kepemilikan

Sebelum Anda memantapkan pilihan Anda, Anda juga harus memperkirakan biaya kepemilikan jangka panjangnya, ini juga termasuk asuransi dan bahan bakar.

  • Cari mobil dijual

Anda bisa mencari di web atau di dealer dekat rumah Anda.

  • Test drive

Setelah menemukan mobil yang sepertinya cocok untuk Anda, Anda harus menelpon atau email untuk menjadwalkan waktu test drive.

  • Apa yang harus diperhatikan saat test drive

Luangkan waktu Anda untuk mengevaluasi mobil tersebut, penjual mobil pun akan menghargai kebutuhan Anda untuk merasakan dan melihat-lihat mobil.

  • Select the car you want

Setelah uji coba dan melihat-lihat mobil, pilihannya harus sudah jelas. Tetapi jika belum, lebih baik Anda mengundur waktunya dan berpikir karena khawatir menyesal kemudian hari.

If you have done everything, You can choose to buy or rent the car.

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