OTODIVA — Baby Car Seat atau kursi mobil untuk bayi sah-sah saja untuk digunakan. But it turns out that there are rules of use that cannot be broken. One of them, the use of which cannot be more than 2 jam.

Reported via Mother and Baby, Monday, 17 July 2023, Safety experts and car seat manufacturers have reportedly agreed to the safety standards that have been set in the use of Baby Car Seats. They recommend only using the car seat for two hours at a time 24 jam.

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“Inilah yang selama ini dikenal dengan nama ‘Aturan 2 Jam’. Not only the use of Baby Car Seats but all baby/child seats, including a pushchair or stroller. The main thing is, prevent the baby from lying down for a long time,” ujar peneliti, quoted from that page.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Dangers of Baby Car Seats

According to researchers, Rule 2 The clock is based on research and evidence that states the dangers of holding a baby in a semi-upright position for too long. Some of the risks include::

  1. Limited air flow to the baby's lungs, causes breathing problems
  2. Tension on the developing baby's spine. In this case many parents choose a flat car seat for their newborn baby.

Then what about traveling for hours with a baby in the car. Can babies sleep in the car?? The page reveals that car seats can only be used for short trips. It is not even recommended to put a baby to sleep in a car seat. Because, Infant car seats are not designed to be safe and comfortable sleepers.

“Posisi tidur yang disarankan untuk bayi muda adalah telentang. You should ensure that the baby is removed from the infant car seat immediately upon arrival at the destination and placed on a firm mattress, rata, and waterproof (which is in good condition) for at least the first six months,said Dr. Renu Arya from the pediatric department of Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Also read interesting content about traveling at Traveldiva, for technology enthusiasts you can also visit Gadget diva and Gizmologist

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