OTODIVAGarda Auto won the Indonesia Best Brand Award (SHUT UP) 2023 Best Car Insurance category with Double Platinum predicate from SWA magazine. This is claimed because Astra's car insurance has been able to provide a sense of comfort and security to its customers.

The award itself was received directly by the Head of PR, Marcomm, & Astra Insurance Event, Laurentius Iwan Pranoto. According to Iwan, now customers can easily do the police purchase process, policy extension and guarantee expansion, report a claim, to access the Garda Siaga emergency services.

Head of PR, Marcomm, & Astra Insurance Event, Laurentius Iwan Pranoto (middle).

“Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan inovasi berkelanjutan yang tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan tetapi juga mengikuti tren dan perkembangan terkini, such as consistency in providing a sense of peace of mind to all customers through various innovations in developing digital-based Garda Oto service features. We believe that it starts by instilling something good, then it will bear good results in the future,” ujar Iwan, in the official statement, some time ago.

Peace of Mind ala Garda Oto

According to Iwan, All features and conveniences can be enjoyed and make users comfortable via the myGarda mobile app. Garda Oto also presents Garda Access at number 1500112 which are available 24 clock and WhatsApp Guard Access 08950 1 500 112 which allows customers to obtain product-related information and even request emergency services via chat.

“Tak hanya secara online, Garda Oto also provides offline services through the Garda Center or Astra Insurance branch offices spread across various major cities in Indonesia. Apart from ease of claims and other services, Garda Oto was also supported by the presence of more than 500 workshop, assurance of use of original spare parts and guarantee of repair results,” tutur Iwan.

“Garda Oto, Car insurance from Astra Insurance shows its consistency in providing a sense of peace of mind to all its customers through various breakthroughs by developing digital-based products and service features.,” kata dia lagi.

Indonesia Best Brand Award (SHUT UP) 2023 is an awards event organized by SWA Media Group and MARS Indonesia Digital for the best brands in Indonesia who have succeeded in building and maintaining a good reputation in the Indonesian market. This year, IBBA mengangkat tema “Navigating Multiple Challenge to Become Best Brand: Lesson Learnt from the Champion” yang ditujukan untuk para pelaku bisnis agar lebih inovatif dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan industri.

In the method of assessing the winners, conducted through surveys from August to September 2023 to more than 5.000 respondents spread across seven major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, While, Makassar and Banjarmasin. The survey methods used include:, through face-to-face interviews, from house to house using the Survey Application (STG) with five parameters including top of mind advertising, top of mind brand, brand share, satisfaction dan gain index.

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