Gadgetdiva – In a world increasingly driven by speed, the hope of getting everything quickly is expanding. However, not all instant things always go well. This phenomenon has encouraged people to pursue success quickly, even to the point of ignoring the journey towards the final destination. People often associate success with speed, leaving those who were still on the way without acknowledgment. However, Each individual's journey starts from a different point, and the most important thing is to have the courage to start, no matter how small the step, to create something meaningful and valuable.
Astra Insurance believe that through these small steps, momentum can be built gradually, causes major changes in the long term for individuals and the surrounding environment. We invite all communities to join in positive efforts to preserve the Earth and all aspects of life on it, by reducing the impact of climate change through the #SimpleSteps campaign to create a sustainable environment for current and future generations, through the Tree Donation program by Garda Oto.
Astra Insurance Presents Tree Donation Program
Tree Donation is a program presented by the Garda Oto car insurance product from Astra Insurance to make this happen net zero emission to maintain not only sustainability but also the health of living creatures and the environment. Net zero according to what the United Nations says, is defined as reducing carbon emissions to a small amount of residual emissions that can be absorbed and stored for a long time by nature and other carbon dioxide removal actions, thus leaving no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
In Indonesia itself, effort in creating net zero has been implemented and in the year 2023 Then, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia (EMR), a reduction in Green House Gas emissions has been realized (GREEK) Energy Sector on 2023 as big 127,67 million tonnes of CO2 exceeding the target of 116 million tonnes of CO2 as well as the government's target 142 million tonnes a year 2024 future. Because, The Indonesian government has set a carbon emissions reduction target of 912 million tonnes of CO2 or equivalent 32% in the year of 2030, which is contained in Enhanced-Nationally Determined Contribution (E-NDC).
In this program, Customers can purchase Garda Oto insurance products, through website period 1 April to 31 Mei 2024. Then the policy that is successfully purchased will automatically be converted into one tree, namely a Mangrove tree which will be planted by Astra Insurance in June 2024 coincides with World Environment Day.
The selection of Mangrove trees is part of Astra Insurance's efforts to create net zero emission. Because, Mangrove trees are believed to be able to avoid major threats of climate change such as abrasion and hurricanes, but also as a very effective carbon sink, Locking up large amounts of carbon and stopping it from entering and damaging the atmosphere is an action that could speed up its realization net zero emission. Mangrove trees also have diverse resources and are a place for marine biota to live.
“Through this program, We want to provide a platform for customers to contribute to the Earth we live on. We hope that the simple steps that we have created together can have a real impact on creating a healthy and comfortable environment to live in, both now and in the future.,” Ujar Head of PR, Marcomm, & Astra Insurance Event, Laurentius Iwan Pranoto.
#Simple Steps to Create a Sustainable Environment for Current and Future Generations through the Tree Donation program, a special program presented by Garda Oto, car insurance products from Astra Insurance. This activity is also part of the #SimplifiedSteps public relations campaign initiated by Astra Insurance in realizing SDGs points 13 “Tackling Climate Change” in taking immediate action to address climate change and its impacts.
In line with Astra Insurance's vision "Bring Peace of Mind to Millions" in every phase and moment of life to consistently support every step of change, It is hoped that this activity and the #SimpleSteps public relations campaign can be used as a stepping stone and voice of encouragement for customers and the community to start implementing resolutions that provide a positive influence to create peace of mind for yourself and your surrounding environment for today and the future. More complete information regarding this public relations campaign can be obtained via the Instagram account @besarastra.