If you are a first time car owner, There are several important things you need to know to maximize your safety and minimize the costs you will incur. Make sure you do a lot of research before deciding to buy a car to get the best one for your needs. Once you find the perfect car and take it home, You'll want to make sure you're ready to be a good driver.

Here are some tips that have been reported by Otodiva.com from Wrench for those of you who have just become new car owners and to ensure that you are well informed and ready for anything.. Come on, let's see!

1. Research the insurance you will choose
Lakukan riset sebelum Anda memutuskan asuransi karena perusahaan yang berbeda akan memberi Anda penawaran yang berbeda berdasarkan berbagai faktor. Cermati juga kekurangan dan kelebihan dari setiap asuransi.

2. Wash your car regularly
This is one of the best things you can do to make your car live long and look shiny. Washing your car regularly helps prevent dirt and rust from building up on the outside and underside of your car, this will lead to expensive repair costs.

3. Drive safely
This method is very important for all car drivers to pay attention to and do. Accelerating and braking quickly adds unwanted stress to the car and minimizes fuel efficiency. You don't just save money, but you also reduce the risk to your car.

4. Temukan mekanik yang hebat.
Having a skilled mechanic will also be useful when scheduling regular tune-ups and service checks because the mechanic will understand your car and what needs to be done.

5. Prepare an emergency kit
This is a great way to ensure that you stay prepared for any situation you may encounter on your trip. Some important items that must always be in the car are a spare tire, blanket, center, car jack, drinking water bottle, and a portable phone charger or power bank.

Read Also: https://otodiva.com/2021/07/27/tips-memilih-warna-mobil-jangan-sampai-salah-pilih/

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