Otodiva – The country's automotive industry continues to develop, but distribution electric car BYD (Build Your Dreams) still experiencing obstacles. Even though the market potential is large and the demand for environmentally friendly cars is increasing, existence BYD not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia.
These obstacles pose serious challenges for automotive companies to expand market reach and increase brand penetration. However, What is actually the main reason behind the stagnant distribution of BYD cars in Indonesia??
One main factor causing this is inadequate charging infrastructure. Although there are efforts from the government and private sector in developing charging stations, However, it is still not evenly distributed and is concentrated in urban areas only. This makes electric car owners, including BYD, difficulty in traveling long distances or indefinitely.
Besides that, Regulatory and policy constraints also influence the distribution of BYD cars in Indonesia. The differences in standards and technical requirements between electric cars and conventional vehicles are still a matter of controversy. The lack of clear and supportive regulations makes the process of importing and distributing BYD cars more complicated and time consuming.
Not only that, Indonesian people's awareness of electric cars is also still limited. Although the trend of environmental awareness is increasing, However, understanding of the technology and benefits of electric cars still needs to be improved. This is an obstacle in marketing and market penetration for BYD.
To overcome these obstacles, joint efforts between governments are needed, automotive company, and society. The government needs to accelerate the development of charging infrastructure that is equitable across all regions. Supporting regulations and policies also need to be developed to simplify the process of importing and distributing electric cars.
On the other hand, automotive company, including BYD, need to increase marketing campaigns and educate the public about the advantages and benefits of electric cars. With increasing public understanding and interest, it is hoped that demand for electric cars will also increase, opens wider opportunities for distribution of BYD cars in Indonesia.
Overall, although the distribution of BYD cars in Indonesia is still hampered by various factors, but with joint efforts from various parties, It is hoped that the electric car market will continue to grow, providing greater opportunities for BYD's expansion in Indonesia.