OTODIVA — Astrapay mengungkapkan jika mereka menargetkan penambahan dua juta pengguna lagi di tahun 2024 This. This number will complete the total number of users to 15 million.
This was revealed by the CEO of Astrapay, Rina Apriana, during the Astra Financial Workshop in Bandung, Yesterday. According to Rina, The number of customers will be accompanied by a gross transaction value target of reaching IDR 52.59 trillion.
“AstraPay berhasil menorehkan pencapaian positif. Based on data up to May 2024, The total number of AstraPay users has reached 13 million users,” ujar Rina, in his presentation.
Astrapay and Target 2024
According to Rina, This achievement is very positive considering that it has only just existed in Indonesia 4 recent years. Imagine, in the first semester (Januari – Mei) 2024, This app has recorded 32 million times in achieving the number of transactions and Gross Transaction Value (GTV) which was achieved by AstraPay worth IDR 19.03 trillion.
“AstraPay is targeting 15 million users with a targeted number of transactions of 32 million times accompanied by GTV (Gross Transaction Value) which is targeted to reach IDR 52.59 trillion by the end of the year 2024 later,” ujar Chief Executive Officer AstraPay Rina Apriana.
With a commitment to supporting financial digital transformation in Indonesia, This application is always innovating to improve quality in the digital payments industry. In early June 2024, The official application released a new appearance to make transactions more comfortable and easier for users. Not just the appearance, This application also releases a biometric feature which of course makes users much safer.
Besides that, This application also supports and develops the digitalization of services. In this case, digital wallet as a Financial Services Business Actor (PUJK) also plays a role in supporting increased understanding of digital payment systems to support the development and innovation of healthy and sustainable payment systems. One of the efforts made by them is to socialize understanding of QRIS, especially for MSMEs.
This digital wallet offers practical and safe payment solutions for various transaction needs such as paying for MRT tickets, TransJakarta, electricity token, PDAM, instalment, workshop and other needs. Besides that, the existence of various cashback promotions and vouchers has made its use as a digital payment option increasingly popular with the public.
Under the auspices of the Astra Group which always pays attention to sustainability aspects, this application also has special attention to this (sustainability). This digital wallet addresses sustainability issues by focusing on digitalization and environmentally friendly business practices. This is in line with Astra's sustainability aspirations 2030.
Several things are done by AstraPay to support sustainability, including minimizing paper transactions, become a payment channel for paying for public transportation tickets, reducing the risk of fraud leading to more responsible financial practices, and support sustainable development goals.
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