Otodiva – The Indonesian government is currently considering providing incentives for mobil hybrid. However, to date, details regarding this policy are still unclear. This has sparked concern among automotive industry players, who are concerned that this uncertainty may affect the market.
Fransiscus Soerjopranoto, Chief Operating Officer (COO) PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia (HMID), revealed that the lack of clarity regarding hybrid incentives makes consumers tend to choose to wait before making a purchasing decision. Consumers worry that the price of the car they buy will drop after they buy it, if incentives are ultimately implemented. "At the moment, banyak calon pembeli yang bersikap ‘wait and see’ karena kekhawatiran tersebut,” jelas Frans dalam pesan WhatsApp yang diterima.
this phenomenon, according to Fran, similar to the situation that occurred at the beginning 2021 when the government plans a Sales Tax discount program on Luxury Goods (PPnBM). PPnBM discount announced at the end 2020, but only applied in April 2021. Before this discount applies, the automotive market experienced a significant decline.
“Saat itu, The automotive market also experienced a decline before the PPnBM discount was implemented. We are concerned that a similar situation could occur again,” ujar Frans.
Frans added that the uncertainty regarding hybrid incentives should be understood as the government's effort to protect the current automotive industry. Hybrid, according to him, is part of combustion engine technology, and the government must decide whether to focus more on electric cars or continue to support hybrid cars.
“Hybrid adalah bagian dari mesin pembakaran. Keputusan pemerintah akan menentukan apakah mereka akan ‘berlari’ menuju mobil listrik atau ‘berjalan’ dengan mobil hybrid,” tambah Frans.
Nevertheless, Frans emphasized that Hyundai will still support whatever government decisions are taken. “Hyundai akan mematuhi dan melaksanakan setiap kebijakan pemerintah, including in terms of developing electric cars in the country,he said.
Frans juga mengingatkan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia menargetkan ‘net zero carbon’ pada tahun 2060. The success of this target really depends on the government's firmness in establishing policies in various sectors, including automotive. “Hyundai berkomitmen untuk mematuhi dan menjalankan peraturan pemerintah, as we support the development of electric cars in Indonesia,he stressed.
In the face of this uncertainty, Automotive industry players hope that the government will immediately provide clarity regarding incentives for hybrid cars. This will help ease consumer concerns and maintain the stability of the automotive market, which is vital for the country's economy.