If you have problems with the car door not closing properly, This must be handled immediately because it could invite thieves to steal the car you own. However, this is often overlooked. Apart from the reason of inviting thieves, a vehicle with a broken door latch can easily eject someone if an accident occurs, especially if the passenger is not wearing a seat belt. Therefore, immediately find out the cause and fix it.

Here are some of the most common causes for a door not closing properly that you should do to fix it, quoted by Otodiva.com from familyhandyman.com. Come on, let's see!

1. Hook is problematic

Jammed door latch, bound or rusted will cause the door to be difficult to close. Try spraying oil on the latch mechanism or anti-rust. Wait a few minutes and then wipe any grunge or dirt from the latch with a clean rag. Pastikan untuk tidak “menutup” gerendel saat membersihkan kotoran. Work the doorknob a few times and then check to see if the door closes properly, because sometimes the latch can close accidentally. Look at the position of the latch on a door that won't close and compare it to a door that closes normally. Kait harus dalam posisi “terbuka” (mirip dengan bukaan pada huruf “C”) to slide over the anchor. If it is in the closed position, take a screwdriver and gently push up or turn the latch while operating the doorknob to release the latch. Repairing a damaged deadbolt is best left to a mechanic to repair.

2. Door Handle Problems

Door handles are located on the inside and outside of the car door. When you pull the inside or operate the outside door handle, they will extend a metal rod or pull a cable that releases the door latch from the anchor. A bound or jammed door handle or latch will keep the door in the open position. Take a screwdriver and gently push up or turn the latch while operating the door handle to release the latch. Replace malfunctioning door handles, leave a damaged door latch release link or latch release cable to a professional.

3. Door Anchor

A door anchor out of adjustment prevents the door from closing. Look at the anchor to find the mark where the hook hits the anchor. Loosen the anchor retaining bolt, move the anchor slightly, simultaneously up/down and in/out. Then screw it back on and see if the door closes. This adjustment may involve a bit of trial and error.

4. Door hinges

If setting the anchor doesn't solve the problem, check door alignment. If the door droops or the space between the door and fender is uneven, the door hinges are most likely worn and bent from the door being blown open by a gust of wind or damaged from being hit in an accident. Because car doors are much heavier than they look, and hinge placement/adjustment is very important, let your repair shop handle this car body repair.

5. Electronic

Motor (actuator) kunci pintu daya yang tidak berfungsi atau korslet yang terjebak dalam posisi “terbuka” secara mekanis dapat mencegah pintu menutup. Check the fuse and try hitting the door with your hand near the switch and latch assembly to free the jammed door lock motor.

With mechanical and electrical door locking devices located inside the door frame, making door lock/latch repairs can be complicated. Have a repair manual and special tools handy before attempting to fix any door problems yourself.

6. Cold weather

Low temperature along with humidity, can cause the door lock to freeze and prevent your door from opening or closing. A simple fix is ​​to spray the lock with deicer or WD-40 and never use boiling water.

If you don't have these items, try coating the keys with hand sanitizer. The alcohol in hand sanitizer will melt the ice inside the keys. Insert the key slowly, wiggle it around a bit if you have trouble inserting it. Leave the key in place for as long as possible 30 until 45 seconds for the alcohol to melt the ice.

Read Also, https://otodiva.com/2021/08/01/alarm-mobil-sering-bunyi-tanpa-sebab-mungkin-ini-penyebabnya/

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