Taking car photos is a very fun activity, let alone photos of your own car. However, There are some basic guidelines to help you get started with car photography. And by the time you finish reading this article, You should be one step closer to getting beautiful and interesting car photos to look at. Here are some tips that you can apply, as reported by Otodiva.com from the Digital Photography School. Come on, let's see!
1. Take photos at the right time
So far, this is the most common mistake that many people make when photographing cars. Because the best time to do car photography is a few minutes after sunset (or a few minutes before sunrise). Use a tripod and get the perfect soft light on your car's paint
2. Beware of shadows
You have to carefully control what is in the mirror in the car. Look around you, then look at the car closely and see what is reflected from its surface. A car (especially the new and shiny ones) will look like a mirror. So try to have open space behind you, like a field. Also, try to avoid shooting with buildings or trees in front of the car. One of the most important things you want to show in your car pictures is the design lines of the car. But reflections can wear down these lines very quickly. And also, be careful not to introduce your own shadow into the photo. If you can't avoid your own reflection, it is best to place the camera on a tripod, hours, dan keluar dari bidikan.
3. Take driving photos
One very easy way to get cool photos is to take photos of other cars in motion. (But please be careful when doing this!) For example, try aiming at the car from the window while driving at speed 37 mph (60 km/hour) with shutter speed 1/100 seconds or more. By doing this, You will get interesting movements on the road and on wheels. You can even reduce the shutter speed further, although this will increase your chances of getting blurry photos.
4. Pay attention to the color of the car
All types of paint react differently at different times of the day in different light. Most colors hate direct sunlight, but some colors actually handle direct sunlight very well.
5. Choose the background color carefully
Make sure your background matches the car and theme. Avoid including objects in the background that will distract the eye. Things like trash cans, power cable, and other cars can turn off the picture. For example, choose a background such as a car garage that has quite bright colors, like yellow and light blue. Avoid choosing a dark background in a dark car too.
Read Also, https://otodiva.com/2021/08/01/tips-foto-aesthetic-bareng-motor/