Driving on the road for the first time can be very stressful, that's why new drivers usually only navigate local roads until they gain enough experience to venture onto bigger, busier roads. Once the new driver is ready to hit the road, be fully prepared to help make a smooth and safe transition from local roads to the motorway.

Here are some tips for those of you who want to start driving on the highway. Quoted by Otodiva.com from nationwide.com, There are things that must be considered for drivers who are driving on the highway for the first time.

1. Choose the right time to start driving on the highway
If you are planning a road trip for the first time, You have to choose the right time and place. Consider starting on a highway that is not too busy or congested. Make sure you ride on a sunny day, that way you don't get caught in the rain, snow, or fog that can reduce your visibility.

2. Start driving in the right lane
When you drive on the highway for the first time, You can only steer in the right lane. Young drivers really have no business heading into the left lane, which is meant to move. “Staying in the right lane will help them interact with oncoming traffic on the freeway, and they'll keep their pace easier there,” Kata Maria A. Wojtczak, who owns and operates DrivingMBA.

3. Leave enough space to change lanes
Setting the right speed and distance remains the key to managing lane changes on the motorway. Drivers should leave a gap of four to six seconds between their car and the vehicle in front of them when they change lanes. You should also check your rearview mirror, side mirror, and blind spots regularly before switching. More space means you have more time to avoid collisions or react to debris on the road.

4. Use turn signals when merging and changing lanes
Young drivers should get used to wearing their blinkers constantly, even if they believe their intentions are clear. “Blinkers are the only way we communicate with other drivers,” said Chris Duquin, pemilik Stevens Driving School. It's amazing how often drivers cause problems by not using turn signals when changing lanes on the highway.

5. Maintain a wide perspective
Newer drivers tend to stare at what's in front of them. But highway speeds and unpredictability demand a broader perspective. “They need to take a closer look at the front of their vehicle, but you also have to pay more attention to the road and the rearview mirror,Duquin said. Good drivers continually adjust their observation point.

6. Keep calm while driving
Learning to drive on the road is more than just driving correctly—it's also about ensuring a young driver's maturity level is up to the task. “They have to understand never to take anything personally, especially on the road,” said Michael Soubirous, retired California Highway Patrol lieutenant. “If someone cuts you off, let go. You never know the mental state of the other party and maybe they made a mistake or were frustrated. Anyway, not all drivers are perfect in carrying their cars. he continued.

7. Stay focused on the road
According to the CDC, underage driver 20 year had the highest proportion of distraction-related fatal crashes. That's why it's so important to stay focused on the road. Don't send text messages on your cell phone, try changing the music or distracting yourself by talking to friends or people in the car while you're driving down the highway. So therefore, You have to stay focused while driving because otherwise it will cause risks to yourself and those around you.

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