Although it is important to check the engine oil regularly, It is also very important to keep your motorbike engine healthy by using the right motor oil and by checking whether the oil in the engine is still in good condition or not.. Engine oils are important because they cover and cool the engine's internal parts, prevents the engine from stalling due to excessive heat. But, Engine oil won't last forever, and over time the oil will become dirty and lose its chemistry making it less effective. Although every motorcycle manufacturer tells you when you should change the oil, and it might happen to everyone 5.000 km to 15.000 km depends on the motorbike, there are other things you can be aware of that may prompt you to change the oil.
Keep that in mind every time you do an oil change, You should also change the oil filter so that it doesn't contaminate the new oil you will put into the engine. Here are some signs that indicate your motorbike needs an oil change, as quoted by from iMotorbike. Come on, let's see!
1. Look to see if the oil is black and gritty
Initially, fresh oil is clear with a light brown color, but over time it will become black and thick. Therefore, you need to check the color of your motorbike oil. To check the thickness, put a little oil on your finger, and rub with another finger. This has to be subtle, if it is not smooth and you feel there is grit or particles it means the oil is contaminated and needs to be replaced. You can check every month to find out the condition of your oil
2. Your engine is working harder than usual
This is one of the things you will know because it is your bike, so only you know it. Especially when your motorbike is not as noisy as usual. New oil provides a protective layer between the metal parts in the engine but over time it will lose this ability.
3. Can't remember the last time you changed your engine oil
Making sure that your engine has enough oil in it is not enough. And even though the motorcycle manufacturer tells you that your bike's service interval is due at every X number of kilometers, You really need to change it every month. If you don't remember when your bike last had its oil changed, then it is a good indication that it is time to change the oil. Make sure you write down the oil change date so you can check it later.
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