Car owners spend so much time worrying about maintaining their vehicles. Things like tire rotation, tire pressure, oil change, and air filters should be handled regularly. But what about the vehicle's exterior?

Think about all the dirt, gravel, dust, garam, pollen, and other air elements that hit your vehicle every time you drive on the road. There might even be insects, bird droppings, and rats that hit your car too. If your vehicle if you want to sell it at market price. But repainting a vehicle costs a lot of money. It is much cheaper to wash your car regularly and maintain the paint and surface of your vehicle.

People often don't integrate a car wash into their regular car maintenance routine. At least, they might take a hose and spray their car. However, a thorough car wash consists of a good manual scrubbing with a sponge, warm water, and soap. If you don't want to do this yourself, You can always wash your vehicle through a professional car wash for around 50-100k. But it's better to wash your car yourself to save on your expenses. The following is the explanation quoted by from

When to Wash the Car?

It is recommended that you wash your car every 1 until 2 week or else your car will look very dirty. However, Some people mostly wait until their car looks dirty. If you drive regularly, then you can feel that there are contaminants building up on your car's paint.

This applies to those of you who drive on dirt roads, Near the beach, or in tropical locations that have a lot of pollen in the air. The same goes for city driving too as your car is more exposed to carbon pollutants and acid rain. After 1 week of driving in this kind of environment, have to wash the car again.

Of all the possible contaminants that could land on your vehicle, salt is perhaps the most damaging of all. You often get salt on your vehicle if you drive near the ocean or on icy roads that have been salted by salt trucks.

Salt doesn't just mess up your paint job, but the metal beneath the paint will also corrode. This can cause rust to form on the vehicle. As soon as it happened, the resale value will decrease drastically. A simple car wash cannot remove rust once it forms. So, The best thing to do is prevent rust from forming by washing your car every week.

Tips for Protecting Your Vehiclea

Driving a vehicle is not the only thing susceptible to air contaminants. Just parking your vehicle outside can still make it susceptible to bird droppings, garam, dirt, dust, and pollen.

Does this mean you should cover your vehicle every time it is parked on the street? Nah, You can do it if you want, but that may not be realistic. If you have a garage, then park your vehicle in it. It's the easiest way to keep it protected. If you park your vehicle indoors, then you can probably wait 2 week to wash your car, not 1 minggu. One more time, it depends on where you live and what kind of environment you usually pass through.

But one thing is certain, never wait more than 2 week to wash your vehicle wherever you live. Because it can cause disaster for the exterior of your vehicle.

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