When you are driving on an uphill road, suddenly there was a traffic jam and the car had to stop, especially if the car you are driving has a manual transmission. This condition can make you sweat and feel hot and cold. Don't panic yet, because there are several tips to prevent the car from going backwards when going uphill. If you panic, The car actually reversed and hit the car behind.
The roads in Indonesia are very different. Not just flat, some are also steep. This very steep incline can cause the driver to panic and the car will reverse. Driving a manual car does require extra skill and patience. You must be able to control your speed by changing gears frequently. Especially when you have to drive on uphill roads. The situation gets worse if traffic jams occur, so the car had to be stopped.
If you want to continue your journey after stopping on a steep incline, Make sure the handbrake is still active. Then in first gear, move the right foot to the gas pedal and slowly release the clutch by releasing the handbrake. The distance the accelerator pedal travels depends on how steep the incline is. The steeper it is, the higher the engine requires more gas, or it could be said that the higher the engine speed.
By adjusting the pedal opening, it becomes a reference for how far the clutch pedal is lifted. Not too fast, then the car can jump, and don't be too late, then the machine will stop. Pengendara disarankan untuk tidak melakukan “setengah kopling” karena hal ini dapat membahayakan suku cadang, but under safety conditions this can be done continuously.
These tips are for vehicles with manual transmission. This also applies to cars with automatic transmission. All you have to do is shift the gear into position 2 or 1.
Many drivers often panic if their vehicle reverses when going uphill. If the driver is not used to using a manual transmission, Avoid driving on uphill roads. Apart from being at risk for yourself, it can also be bad for other people.
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