While repairing the vehicle, Of course oil stains can stick to the clothes we wear. Oil stains on clothes can be very annoying. If left alone, noda oli akan terus menempel dan pakaian akan selalu terlihat kotor. Therefore, ada beberapa bahan sederhana yang bisa membantu Anda untuk menghilangkan noda oli. Produk-produknya-pun mudah untuk ditemukan di sekitar rumah. Berikut cara yang sudah dikutip oleh Otodiva.com dari sintesakonveksi.com. Come on, let's see!

1. Mencucinya menggunakan shampoo

Tanpa diragukan lagi, shampoo telah terbukti membantu menghilangkan noda oli dari pakaian. Seperti prosedur lainnya, oleskan shampoo cair ke bintik-bintik noda oli pada pakaian. Sikatlah noda oli dan ulangi terus hingga noda oli hilang, dan bilas sampai air cucian bersih.

2. Bisa menggunakan baking soda

Another option that we can use to remove oil stains on clothes is baking soda or baking soda. The way to do this is to brush it by sprinkling baking soda on the oil stain on the clothes. After that, rinse thoroughly.

3. Can also use chalk

Chalk is a rare item to find, but may still be in the house. This chalk has a high temperature, so that it can remove oil stains on clothes. The secret is to soften the chalk. Then sprinkle the refined chalk on the oil stains on the shirt. Wait until 30 minute. Then, rinse your clothes thoroughly.

4. Washed using dish soap

Dishwashing soap is a multifunctional soap because it not only functions for washing dishes but also for cleaning stains on clothes. You can pour dish soap over the oil stains on your clothes. Rub with a brush until there are no oil stains. After that, rinse until the soap is gone and the clothes are clean.

5. The last one uses liquid detergent

You can use liquid detergent. To do this, pour liquid detergent over the oil stains on your clothes. Then, brush gently until clean. Soak dirty clothes after brushing for maximum effect. After that, rinse your clothes.

Here are some of the ways above to remove oil stains from clothes. Easy, isn't it?? Hopefully these tips are useful for you.

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