Although the history of cars can be traced back to the 17th century, the automotive industry is largely focused on the male population, even to this day. When the car was designed, produced, and marketed, it is still considered a man's needs to be met such as speed and good looks as opposed to safety and durability. Anyway, it's the men who get really excited about the powerful roar of the engine and the way the car performs on the road when unleashed. However, this also means that car maintenance is largely focused on a man's ability and understanding of how the engine works. Bearing in mind that currently the number of female drivers is increasing greatly, even surpassing the number of male drivers today. The following are car maintenance tips that every female driver should know, which has quoted from CSR Automotive. Come on, let's see!

1. Carry out regular car maintenance

Regular car maintenance is a must for many reasons such as preventing safety issues, maintain quality vehicle performance, save money in the long run, maintain car insurance, as well as only entrust your car to professional skills and equipment. Your car has a maintenance schedule that has been set to make it easier for you to carry out maintenance. Some things you can do yourself, such as checking tire pressure and brake strength, or make sure all the lights work, and check the petrol level in your car. But, There are also things that need to be checked by a mechanic who has work experience. In this case, all you have to do is take your car for routine maintenance as scheduled.

2. Find a Trusted Mechanic

The first thing to look for when choosing a mechanic for your car is whether they have the proper certification in working on the make and model of car. This is something that should be clearly visible when you first walk into the repair shop, ask to make sure they know what they are doing. The second thing is to research the car damage that brought you to their repair shop so you can understand all the technical issues. If you can explain what you hear or smell, of course you decide to take the car in to have it checked, Not only will you feel more confident as a woman in a male environment, but it also prevents mechanics from trying to double damage your car.

3. Have an Emergency Fund for Car Repairs

Women in general have a bad reputation for being thrifty, but that is a cliche and a stereotype. Even, female drivers are known to have a tendency to set aside something or in this case emergency car repair funds. This is actually a very good practice and something men should start doing too. You never know when your car will experience major car damage. However, when your vehicle breaks down, You may spend a lot of money repairing it so you need an emergency fund for car repairs to maintain your finances.

Read too, The following are car accessories that can harm you

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