PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) starting to take part in the movement to popularize electric cars in Indonesia. Even through the Lexus brand they are already selling the UX 300e. This is the first electric car they sell in Indonesia. However, the price is still high, Rp 1,2 miliaran off the road, with distance traveled 300 km. Meanwhile, other manufacturers such as Hyundai and Nissan, has sold the car for Rp 600 millions.
PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), Toyota distributor in Indonesia, is considering five ways to increase the popularity of electric vehicles in Indonesia. Even without these five methods, Indonesian people are still allergic to electric cars due to several obstacles so that people do not want to see electric vehicles. It does not support infrastructure, so it's still very expensive to start with prices.
At this time, Indonesian people need to know first about electric cars. Electric cars don't have to be pure electric cars considering that there are many types of electric cars, starting from Plug-in Hybrids, Hybrid and Fuel Cell. Once people understand the definition of an electric car, it is hoped that they will start changing from understanding to liking it. Then, after that they ask and if they have the purchasing power they can act or act by buying. However, most people who just see the price are afraid and don't dare to come to the dealer, so how do you want to buy?.
Currently, we cannot deny that electric cars seem to be synonymous with cars for the upper middle class. This is because the price of electric cars available in Indonesia is currently at IDR 600 million and above. The problem is that electric cars are expensive and there isn't much of a market for them. So access is very low. So try to take the edge first, aware, so popularization is good. The important thing is for the public to know first.
The next challenge for the presence of electric cars in Indonesia is the character of the Indonesian people themselves. It is said that Indonesian society has never been free from the friendly character, high mobility and want everything simple. Not to mention the issue of resale value which is always on the minds of every Indonesian when they want to buy a car. These are various things that electric cars inevitably have to fulfill.
Read Also, Indonesia Continues to Pursue Electric Vehicle Investment Plans