Recently there was a video that went viral on social media, The video shows a white Honda Civic sedan which was the victim of vandalism. It is known that the car belongs to a beauty products entrepreneur, Delva Eris Meirinda, It was scribbled by a group of people due to parking on the shoulder of the road which made the road narrow.
The incident occurred on Jalan Soewoko, Lamongan City District, It all started when Delva parked his car on the side of the road not far from his office. Delva always parks his car in the office yard. Delva did this out of necessity because there was a loading and unloading activity which required parking the car on the shoulder of the road along with other vehicles..
"Andi parked the car on the shoulder of the road because he was unloading perfume. No more than an hour after the car is parked, he wanted to return the car to the office yard, there's been a lot of pylox scribbles (cat aerosol) in almost all parts of the car body,Delva explained.
This video received various responses from netizens. Many protested and regretted that the vandalism had occurred, but many also supported it because the car had disturbed road users..
Rules and Sanctions
In general, the rules regarding parking issues are contained in Article 275 sentence 1 Law Number 22 Year 2009 regarding Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ), which sounds: “Every person who commits an act that causes interference with the function of traffic signs, When Jalan, Traffic Signaling Device, Pedestrian facilities, and Road User safety devices as intended in Article 28 sentence (2) sentenced to a maximum imprisonment term (1) month or a maximum fine of Rp 250.000,00 (two hundred fifty thousand rupiah).”
Then it is emphasized again in Article 38 Government Regulation Number 34 Year 2006 about the Road (PP Jalan) who mentioned, Everyone is prohibited from using the useful space of the road which results in disruption of the road's function.
The meaning of "disruption of road function" in this article is, reduced road capacity and traffic speed due to the accumulation of goods/objects/materials on the road shoulder, selling on the street, parking, and stop for needs other than emergencies.
In Jakarta, stated in Regional Regulation Number 5 Year 2014 regarding transportation for parking rules, stated in Article 140 paragraphs one to five for the rules for having a garage, with sound:
(1) Every person or business entity that owns a motor vehicle is required to own or control a garage.
(2) Every person or business entity that owns a motorized vehicle is prohibited from storing motorized vehicles on the road.
(3) Every person or business entity that will provide a motorized vehicle is required to own or control a garage to store the vehicle as evidenced by a letter of proof of garage ownership from the local sub-district..
(4) Letter of proof of garage ownership as referred to in paragraph (3) is a condition for issuing a Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate.
(5) Further provisions regarding motor vehicle ownership are regulated by governor's regulations.
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