Video viral yang beredar di media sosial memperlihatkan sebuah mobil patroli polisi melintas dan mengabaikan korban kecelakaan dalam kasus tabrak lari. Dalam video yang diunggah pada sosial media Instagram ini, Tuesday, 14 December 2021, A police car with a double cabin model was seen just passing by without providing any assistance. Padahal di lokasi kejadian terdapat korban takbrak lari yang tergeletak tepat berada di jalan. “Video yang merekam kejadian mobil polisi yang mengabaikan korban tabrak lari beredar di sosial media,” demikian keterangan di caption pada video tersebut. The incident is said to have occurred in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi on Saturday, 11 December 2021.

The video recording of course attracted netizens' anger towards the police car which did not provide assistance and just passed the victim.

“Mengawal pejabat lebih penting daripada menolong korban tabrak lari,"commented netizens.

“Pada punya common sense plus humanity enggak sih pak polisi ini?,” imbuh warganet lainnya.

Acting Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Commissioner Pol. Ade Indrawan, has confirmed the incident and said the police have taken action and are continuing to look for and ask for information from witnesses and CCTV footage around the crime scene, Wednesday, 15 December 2021.

He also emphasized that the police personnel were recorded in the video, has been relieved of his duties and is currently under investigation by the Provost of the South Sulawesi Regional Police for a disciplinary hearing because he chose to leave the scene of the crime because he was in a hurry and did not take action to help the victim first..

Police Commissioner Ade Indrawan also said that, police officers recorded in the video, reasoned that he was in a hurry and was being waited on by members of the South Sulawesi Regional Police's PJR Traffic Unit in Kab. Sinjai because the car will be used to provide escort to the city of Makassar, because the other Sat PJR official car was damaged and was in the District workshop. Sinjai.

"Of course, the leadership of the South Sulawesi Regional Police is fully committed to serving the community and will not hesitate to take firm action against its members who are proven to be negligent in carrying out their duties in serving the community.," closed Kombes Pol Ade Irawan.

One of the police's duties is to serve the community, especially in this case there are accident victims who need help. Hopefully the police can take firm action and similar incidents will not happen again, Paradiva!

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