OtoDiva.id — Since its launch in August last year, Mitsubishi XForce has stolen the attention of the Indonesian automotive market amidst the sluggishness of this industry since last year. This was conveyed by Yoshio Igarasi, Sales and Marketing Director of PT Mitsubishi Motor Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia (MMKSI) at the opportunity to open together with the media on Monday 1 April 2024 of Parle, Senayan, Jakarta.

He revealed the sale Mtsubishi XForce meningkat tajam dan menjadi mobil dambaan baru konsumen Indonesia. Ini tentu saja mendorong market share (market share) Mitsubishi's newest Compaq SUV. For the fiscal year 2024 MMKSI targets Mitsubishi XForce to reach market share 15%,. For your information, last year the Mitsubishi XForce managed to record market share 13% di tengah kompetisi di segmen ini yang masih sangat ketat. “Mitsubishi XForce sangat penting buat kami, We will try hard to achieve this target,he said.

According to him, MMKSI's strategy in achieving market success is to maintain service quality, increasing the reach of service networks and after-sales services. Current existing 169 dealers throughout Indonesia, “Jadi fokus kami pada layanan, Better sales and customer touch are our strengths,he added. Atsushi Kurita, MMKSI President Director revealed that the network after sales, now it has reached 90% wilayah Indonesia.

One of the efforts is to improve the facilities needed to serve customer needs, in after-sales service or after sales service such as facilities one stop services with the 3S concept (Sales, Service, Spare parts), as well as facilities body & paint. With the 3S dealer concept, it allows customers to get complete services in one place, including Mitsubishi Quick Pit services (MQP), which is at one of the MMKSI dealers in Margonda, Depok.

In October last year MMKSI opened 3 dealer with 3S service facilities, This year, it is targeted to add more 5-7 a new one covering the Java area, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. “Untuk fasilitas layanan body paint We will first see how much total volume there is and discuss with the dealer, but more or less 2 – 3 body paint akan dibuka di tahun fiskal 2024,” ujar Kazuto Azuma, Director of MMKSI After Sales Services.

Interestingly, according to Kazuto, they will provide tools new service that can make the service faster and more accurate than the previous one. “Ilustrasinya sehari biasanya bisa 5 unit, after using quick pit you can 7 unit. How many dealers have it quick pit This will be adjusted to the investment from the dealer. Our focus is that all dealers have this program but we will see how it develops and the main location will also be prioritized,” terangnya.

Ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2024, to provide MMKSI customers with comfort when returning home for Eid, MMKSI presents posts like last year, including on the Cikampek km57 toll road. At each post, MMKSI has prepared different activities than before. One thing that is different about the current post is that there is an XForce unit which allows consumers to try it out (test drive)

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