Otodiva – Using online transportation services is a solution for those who travel and don't use private vehicles. However, Sometimes there are security issues that haunt you.

Read too: Safe Motorcycle Riding Tips for Women, No. 5 Must Watch!

Night is a time that is often considered vulnerable to various types of crime, including sexual violence. Even though, Sexual violence can be experienced by anyone, any time, and everywhere, both in the domestic and public spheres. Ensuring safe public spaces and public transportation requires shared responsibility and participation between governments, businessmen, to society to reduce the number of sexual violence.

Indonesia still has a high rate of sexual violence. Based on a survey conducted by the Safe Public Spaces Coalition (CLOTH) year 2022, 3,539 women from the total 4,236 respondents said that they had experienced sexual harassment in public spaces.

In response to this, Gede Manggala, Head of Region & Gojek's External Affairs explained that user safety and security while traveling is the company's top priority. Especially for women. The #SafeWithGojek initiative was launched since 2020 to provide a sense of security to users through various innovative features and programs to prevent sexual violence.

Big, continue, Gojek as the leading on-demand service from the GoTo Group continues to emphasize its commitment to providing the safest online transportation services through three main pillars, namely, technology, protection, and education. Moreover, penelitian dari Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) found that Gojek is the online transportation service most used by Indonesians.

Tips for Safely Using Online Transportation

Here are three online transportation safety tips that you must know and of course will really help you feel safe and comfortable during your trip:

1. Get to know the various types of sexual violence

Sexual violence can happen to anyone, both women and men. It is important for all of us to recognize the various forms of sexual harassment and violence, both physical and non-physical. Let's keep our public spaces safe together by always remembering the forms of sexual violence summarized in S.I.U.L. (Spread unwanted intimate content; Intimidation or teasing of any kind, including in written form; Speech or comments on the body include whistling; Make unwanted physical contact).

2. Share the Journey with Your Closest Family and Friends

While traveling using an online transportation application, You can try the Share Trip feature to share your trip in real time with your friends and family so that your trip can be monitored along the way to your destination..

3. Activate the Emergency Help Button When Needed

Of course we don't want anything detrimental to us to happen during our trip. Therefore, Gojek also has an Emergency Button feature that you can use in emergency situations so that your report can be responded to quickly by Customer Care and the Gojek Emergency Unit Team who are on standby. 24/7 and adopting a victim perspective.

Gojek users, especially GoRide and GoCar, are also protected by insurance, to mitigate possible risks. People don't need to worry because every trip with Gojek will automatically get insurance protection from Jasa Raharja or Allianz. Gojek also offers a phone number masking feature (Number Masking), to ensure people's comfort when communicating with Gojek driver partners. Later, the telephone numbers of users and driver partners will be disguised to ensure the security of each party's personal data.

Also read interesting content about traveling at Traveldiva, for technology enthusiasts you can also visit Gadget diva and Gizmologist


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